Monday, May 14, 2012


Post information about conferences below!

1 comment:

  1. UW Poster Printing:
    to get a poster printed though UW doit:
    Digital Media Center
    Biochemistry Building | Room B1131
    420 Henry Mall
    Madison, WI 53706

    The policy is to not print a poster for a client while he or she is not present. They find that minor adjustments need to be made on occasion before the final version is printed. The appointments usually take no more than 30 minutes at the most. They would need the following information in order to make your reservation:

    Your UW NetID
    Your email address
    Your campus or main phone #
    Division you are part of
    Position (faculty, staff, grad student, UW affiliate)

    And then provide them with what size your poster is, and what program you used to create it. You will also need to provide your intended method of payment is (this will be departmental credit card or your own), If the department card you will need to get this information from Lesley or Colleen or have one of us call and pay, please contact Lesley or Colleen with at least a weeks notice to be sure that they can take care of payment.
